White Blank Notebook

Planning for a new school year

Once vacation is over there is a new school year to consider. A few tips here and there from others ...

Free activities for our kids this summer

Summer time is here in all its blazing glory! And with long days to accompany it, one just has to ...

Dealing with the fear of big numbers

Most people will shun away from anything mathematically related. For some it can be severe enough to be labelled a ...
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Benefits of the protege effect

One of the things I feared as a homeschooling mum was dealing with kids of different ages at once. I ...
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How to not fail financially

Financial matters are uncharted territories for me. But of late as the kids are growing up, I can’t ignore the ...
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Being mum is my superpower

So this other day I had had it up to here with the one word that keeps being shouted in ...
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How to deal with an uncontrollable child

Parenting is one of the toughest jobs on earth; judgement for a child's behavior, or lack thereof, is on you ...
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The missing link: quality sleep

Often when we look at a child's education we mainly focus on the curriculum or what a school offers. For ...
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20+ simple tips to stressless homeschooling

Homeschooling can be a challenging venture especially to a beginner; from choosing the right curriculum, getting into a routine, and ...
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How to balance homeschooling and housework

A clean home looks different for everyone, but one thing is certain- it lifts everyone's mood. For most people, this ...