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My most painful ‘mom moments’

Being a mother is a full-time job, whether you work outside the home or not, biological or foster. It is a mixed bag of emotions; joy, fear, sadness, anxiety and anger. As a mother I have also experienced pain, which can be very subjective. In this post I will share my most painful 'mom moments'.
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The amazing power of consistency

Being consistent is defined as 'marked by harmony, regularity, or steady continuity : free from variation or contradiction' according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It is the one key ingredient that is needed…
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When the child becomes the teacher: 4 amazing lessons I have learnt

What is normal is for children to learn from us, but oh the amazement and joy when the child becomes the teacher! At times you laugh because you wouldn't except the child to know such a thing. I have had experiences where children, both mine and others', have given me some lessons. Here I share 4 amazing lessons I have learnt.
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Slow doesn’t mean stupid

Growing up, we would hear folktales from our grandmothers about clever hare and his slow, dull friend tortoise or silly baboon. From these stories, it is apparent we often mistake speed for intelligence; those children who catch on faster being more preferred to the slower ones. But there is a vast difference between speed and intelligence, mostly. Slow doesn't mean stupid.
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Self-care: 5 ways that have helped me keep sane

Being a mum is a job where everyone expects to be taken care of by you. Sure, mums are our 'safe place', no matter how old one gets they still want their mum. However, it can be easy to think of others and forget the most important person: you! Self-care is very crucial so that the rest of the family have the best of you.