20+ simple tips to stressless homeschooling

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Homeschooling can be a challenging venture especially to a beginner; from choosing the right curriculum, getting into a routine, and managing housework. You don’t have to endure the experience, but enjoy it. Here I share some 20+ simple tips to stressless homeschooling.

Less stress to the kids

  1. Get out of the house often. Field trips – even just trips to the supermarket- help to make everyone calmer.
  2. Put something fun on the to-do list: games or crafts or even singing.
  3. Read aloud, with them, for them. Shared reading gives them the opportunity to hear what good reading sounds like. Changing voices for different characters will have your young audience captivated!
  4. Teach your kids to learn, and not try to teach them everything. Kids enjoy sharing information they have learnt on their own, they like to show off and impress.
  5. Use a timer. It helps them focus on completing a task within the given time. And it’s fun to try to beat the clock.
  6. Take a break in-between subjects. I quite enjoy playing tag with them during these breaks. It also works when you are not making progress to leave a task then come back to it later.
  7. Take a cue from your child. Focus on their current interest. Let’s face it, school is more fun when you are engaged.

Tips for an easier homeschooling day

  1. Exercise boosts your energy levels, trust me, you need it! Dedicated exercise or frequent stretching is good.
  2. Rest. Nothing works wonders for your patience more than this!
  3. Find something that you enjoy for yourself – a hobby, make new friends at meet-ups, pick up books.
  4. Consider alternatives– if you don’t homeschool, then who will do it.
  5. Avoid over-commitment. Set boundaries; you will get overwhelmed with community and/or church activities easily and your homeschool will suffer. Same goes for extracurricular activities.
  6. Divide the pie; and let someone else take certain subjects. Spouses come in very handy here. So do grandparents and aunts and uncles😊.
  7. Shift the schedule to what works for you. You can do school any time of the day, even evenings. We have now moved all reading to nights through my daughter’s initiative. Her consistency has seen her reading improve tremendously.
  8. Make a list and prioritize. You cannot do everything, but at least the most important things are ticked off your list.
  9. Ask for help when you are struggling. Having the kids back in formal school does not mean you have failed, but that would be the best course of action to take at that point.
  10. Loosen up a little; although you need a plan, you are not a school master.
  11. Prayer is essential: dealing with kids can be emotional. The first hour can be sweet but by the 4th chances are high you will yell or sin. Apologize. Give them a safe activity and take some time out.
  12. Use a meal plan and a schedule for cleaning the house.
  13. Place a hold on library books. That way you are in and out of the library in a dash. You can grocery shop this way too -shopping online and just going for pick-ups .
  14. When the going gets tough, find your WHY and you will find your WAY.

These 20+ simple tips to stressless homeschooling are by no means exhaustive but are a good way to start. The journey becomes easier the more you do it, so don’t be afraid to start.