3 challenges we have faced in homeschooling

woman playing chess
Photo by Engin Akyurt on Pexels.com

While largely we have found our homeschooling journey fulfilling, there have been some learning curves in there. Here I share 3 challenges that we have faced in homeschooling.

Navigating conversation with others

‘So, where does your daughter go to school?’ If there is anything most homeschooling families dread it’s this conversation ๐Ÿ˜’. I have encountered a range of responses, from genuine curiosity to outright skepticism. It can be uncomfortable to have to justify your decision, especially when you feel like you are being attacked. There are times when I have just let people think my daughter is in a formal school ๐Ÿ˜.

Given, this lifestyle is not mainstream so I do understand- there are a lot of gaps in knowledge and experience for most. I have come to understand that many people simply don’t know much about homeschooling and may be misinformed. By staying calm and explaining our reasons for choosing this path, I have been able to diffuse many tense situations. I mean, at some point I also didn’t know about it!

On top of the list for why I should put them in ‘school’ is socialization. There is no better place for this than the family, actually. Children learn to relate to people of different ages at home. There is no society that has people of the same age in one place, except at school! And school is man-made, after finishing school most of our lives will be spent with people of different ages anyway.

Feeling inadequate

‘Oh at least for you you were in education that’s why you homeschool!’ Well, ah, actually the two are worlds apart! I was never taught to teach. And one of the feelings that I had were feelings of inadequacy. Would I be able to teach my kids? How would I cover everything they are supposed to know? Would I manage? At times, I have doubted my ability to teach my child effectively and have felt overwhelmed by the amount of information I need to cover.

The thing that has buoyed me up is support, both from within the family and from outside. By connecting with other families who are going through the same experience, I have gained valuable insights and advice. I have read of parents with little in terms of formal education themselves homeschooling successfully. There are famous people who have gone through homeschooling at different points in their lives. I mean it is tough to come across demoralizing effects of homeschooling. There are also online resources that we can use to enrich our experiences (Scishowkids you beauty you!).

Keeping my child engaged

My daughter is a social butterfly and loves to talk, which can be a distraction during our lessons. In the past, I have struggled with finding ways to keep her focused and interested in the material we are studying! Lower grades love sing-alongs and games, I have had to adapt and adjust.

There are quite a number of things that we have changed to reduce stress and potential burn-out for both of us, which I will share in my next post.

1 Comment

  1. Chipiwa

    You are doing well friend!

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