There are times when I am really surprised at the memories that come to my head. Some so vivid like they just happened yesterday but it has been decades. It is from this experience that I have seen that childhood memories last a lifetime.
I remember songs from my childhood and have passed these on to my own children! And these are songs we sang at creche, for that is what we called what is popularly called kindergarten now. I guess the word creche is British, and Zimbabwe being a former colony, we took up the word. I don’t think we were taught to read or write there, if we did it was done in play so it didn’t feel like learning. We played, sang a lot, ate and slept, then went back home. It was so much fun 😊.
Sometimes, a random memory will pop up of things that happened with my cousins. We played a lot when we visited our grandparents. We ran around the yard, played ball and lots of games outside the yard with kids from the neighborhood. My grandma loved performances and would have us sing and entertain the adults. I hated doing that. As an introvert, I enjoyed watching others do it but not take part. But she would make us all do it😒. I have memories of her coming to our creche and teaching us songs though. That, I enjoyed.
Creating memories for our children

One day, our 5 year-old son told his dad that he would not help him when he was old because he did not play with him. That was said after a break from a game of ball they had just played! You know, sometimes it doesn’t help trying to reason with kids because they can be dramatic. David decided to just start a new game. How he lighted up! Remembering that childhood memories last a lifetime, the dad was helping creating some with them.
One strange thing that I have noticed is children’s fixation with boxes! Buy them a toy and see how they love the packaging. I used to be quick to throw the boxes out but have lately taken to keeping them. If any of them fits into it, then more fun will be had! At times the box doesn’t need to come with something new, even one with groceries from the supermarket will do the trick. Sometimes creating memories for our children doesn’t have to cost us much.
Spending time and doing things with the children is oh-so-heavenly for them! I discovered I quite enjoy playing tag with them actually. The only problem is they don’t want the games to end 😒, that’s when they start saying you NEVER play with me. Whaat🤯? Intentionally creating moments to join them in their games, no matter how busy we get, helps to create memories that will last their lifetime. It’s hard to play with children and be rough, somehow our softer and kinder sides are awakened.
“Childhood memories are timeless treasures of the heart”, someone once said. Sometimes, I don’t want to join that game, read another book for them or look at another of their silly antics. But when I force myself to do it, I often find that I end up enjoying the activity anyway. As adults we have lists to tick off, and end up with no time for most things. My daughter recently said, “Why the rush mama? Enjoy life like us kids!” And boy, was she right!
That is so true childhood memories do last a lifetime.
I have mine when my mom used to do a funny dance for me and my siblings 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I would love to see you do the same to the girls too loool!!