Ho Ho Holidays are here!

merry, christmas, merry christmas-4684006.jpg

Late post alert! I was feeling lazy and debating whether I should write or not. But since this is here, I have gotten over to the other side of the mountain. Don’t judge me, ho ho holidays are here…and schedules take a back seat for a while!

If there’s one person who has so many plans for the holidays, it’s my daughter. She wants to go to this place and that one. And she is always asking if we can buy this and that πŸ˜›. My daughter is quite expressive, and I like that…sometimes. But what can I do? She is my best friend after all.

10 holiday homeschool activities we have done

Wait, there is SOMETHING I can do about it! Channel all that energy to something productive 😁. I have a Science curriculum that I was reserving for when we would be hibernating in winter. But this December snow was a no-show, and I almost forgot about that curriculum. The constant chitter chatter then gave me an idea, since the ho ho holidays are here, we could do some activities with it.

  1. We have our own 30 days of science experiments! My boy always expects explosive results 😁yet enjoys the cool tricks anyway.
  2. We have headed into the kitchen. The kitchen is such a wonderful place for having fun and learning. We have baked quite a bit- reading recipes, doing Math, tinkering with fractions etc.
  3. We made some homemade cards and gifts. This was my first time appreciating playdough, I am always afraid of it being smeared on furniture 😐
  4. What’s Christmas without singing and drama? We do a lot of role-playing. Oh how the kids love it when we use today’s language in old-time bible stories. And they have participated in a Christmas concert (my introverted son included), and loved it!
  5. Math games! Yes, we may skip a day or two but we always do a bit of Math facts so they don’t forget.
  6. We travel…to the shops so they get out of the house! There is always some interesting thing to notice and discuss outside.
  7. We have turned our memory game to learning just 2 spellings a day/week/ however long it takes to get a word right…including orthography! The dictionary joins in our play too. No pressure though.
  8. Meeting and playing with family and friends, oh the food and games 😍That makes holidays memorable.
  9. We have visited a different recreation center – swimming and soccer (first time! A dream come true for the boys.)
  10. Watching more tv. After all, the ho ho holidays are here!

1 Comment

  1. Ra

    Looks like a full on ho ho holiday. Well done Dr Mum! Sending love and warm wishes to you and yours πŸ’•

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