Reading for your child has amazing benefits

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Children have such a vivid imagination, and what better way to exploit that than with books. Books engage the brain, and are good for intellectual development. Reading for your child has amazing benefits, some of which we are going to explore in this post.

Children love it when we read for them. Words transform into pictures in their minds. They imagine characters from given descriptions – some so funny in their little heads they will just burst laughing. They imagine places they have never been before. Smells, scents, emotions can all become so real and tangible. Memories for a lifetime can develop, all from that favorite book you read for them. They can even be challenged to do some great things! Yes, reading for your child can have such amazing benefits.

Reading benefits associated with development

There are some words that even as adults we dare not read aloud when we encounter them for the first time! Try reading Worcestershire sauce 😁, manslaughter, colonel, sugar etc. Having someone read a word, and point it out will make following encounters easier for anyone.

There are also words that are spelt the same, but read differently according to context. Reading for your child will help them make this distinction, and help them develop their vocabulary too. They also get to learn how the different punctuation marks are used, and what to do when you encounter them.

Children are such bundles of energy they can’t sit still for long. Reading books for them helps in developing concentration and discipline, even if for just 5 or 10 minutes. It will build up as they grow. Asking questions as you are reading will engage their minds so they follow along. Sometimes waiting until a large chunk has been finished feels like an exam😒and can become cumbersome. Sometimes the children may ask thought-provoking questions; often leading into other interesting subjects!

Fostering interest through animated reading

We have experienced the amazing benefits of reading for children. When reading, I change voices for different characters. My daughter (7) loves the book Pilgrim’s progress, but my son (5), not so much. Or so it seems, they do have different learning styles and he is more of an auditory learner. So one day we got to the part with Mr. Talkative. I started reading fast while flattering my eyelids; my son found it so hilarious! Now he sits with us and listens, probably waiting for Mr. Talkative to feature again😁.

My daughter loves books, she makes it a point to choose one so we read together. She initiates this on a daily basis. Coming from someone who was struggling with reading, it warms me up inside. Sometimes we do shared reading, at other times she listens and comments. This has helped us create a special bond.

Tips that have helped engage our children in reading

  1. Start from somewhere, even if it’s just a paragraph. Children love hearing your voice.
  2. The library has been an invaluable resource in getting different types of books.
  3. Thrift stores help a lot; used books are good enough!
  4. Making the text come alive by varying intonation and expressions increased their interest in listening to us read.
  5. Building a routine, especially at night.
  6. Mixing things up, sometimes we read or we come up with stories ourselves. This is unbelievably popular with the kids, it brings out their creative side.

There may be other things that can help to develop love for books in children that I did not mention here. Please share what has worked for you!