Rest for the weary is here

relax, man, log

And just like that, the year draws to a close. Rest for the weary is here!

Getting to the end of the year always feels like an achievement. Never mind that some goals were not met. I did my best, I showed up. Progress isn’t linear; even when it felt like I wasn’t moving forward, I was always learning.

Yes, sometimes I was lazy. The spirit just wasn’t there. At other times, we needed to change pace to recharge the kids’ batteries. During those times we learnt through games. Amazing that such lessons stuck more than when I was really serious and going through our curriculum.

We also experienced some disturbances to the normal flow of our days due to illness, moving and other programs that popped up. That is life, and it is to be expected. We learn important life lessons through experience – how to manage stress and when things aren’t going your way.

Celebrating our victories

One victory is certain, we are here! Certainly not where we were last year same time. We have adjusted and re-adjusted how we do things, being mindful of what works for our family.

The house is still standing and I haven’t plucked off my hair, too ๐Ÿ˜. Some days I didn’t have the energy to have the place spic and span. But the kids are all healthy and thriving, and that is a huge victory. We created memories that will last us a lifetime.

There were squabbles that I didn’t get in the middle of, the kids needed to learn to get along without adult intervention. Maybe I should have lent a hand and shown more sympathy to a struggling child. Maybe I should have been firmer at some point. Regardless of the outcome, we both gained valuable insights about ourselves. We are all tired from these battles, and grateful we are now in the holiday season: rest for the weary is here!

All that talking got me really tired. I have just been shutting the bedroom door and spending some much needed ‘me’ time. So much sleep to catch up on, yet there are books calling my name ๐Ÿ˜’. I have put aside some shows to watch, but alas, I don’t think I will ever get time to, really.

What’s next?

With all the lovely Christmas decorations up, I can’t think straight. I don’t feel like planning or engaging in anything. Perhaps in a week or two or three I would have regained my energy ๐Ÿ˜. For now, I am just going to enjoy the break!

Perhaps this is the best time to reflect. What have I accomplished? (May not seem like much but it is a lot, some things cannot be quantified and are not easily acknowledged). What are our objectives for the coming year?

As 2024 rolls by to a close, I wish you and your families happy holidays! Relax and enjoy the rest, tomorrow we wake up and start again with renewed vigor ๐Ÿ˜Š.

1 Comment

  1. Rumbi

    Thank you mum Doc๐Ÿ˜Š

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