Isn’t it a curious thing when the mind goes to sleep at such inconvenient times? No matter how much you try to remember, some things just escape you!
Just yesterday I was trying to tell David of a skit that I enjoyed some time back. This was based off a song that is 90% hummed. In all my excitement I began my story, then my mind shut off! The melody was playing right in my head; but what was coming out of my mouth was something totally different. I kept trying until he picked up the tune. Pheew..relief!
We spent 2 hours of our precious time going up and down social media streets until we finally located the slippery skit. Aaah the satisfaction. And that was the first time I ever heard the full song, including the 10% words!
It has also happened that long after an argument or conversation has ended, the good points then come. But why😧? How about looking for things you are holding? Getting into a room and … why am I here again? I won’t even talk about how often I forget where I am parked, where I placed my phone, that one item on the grocery list that I set out to buy!
A parent’s daily mental gymnastics
“Maaama, it’s me Oriel, not Tara!”
A common line in our home. I have 3 wonderful kids, a girl and 2 boys – the girl being the eldest. My middle child is a “silent assassin”: the type that if I told you what he said or did you wouldn’t believe because he is introverted in public. But boy, is he such a character! He has the uncanny ability of annoying his siblings in silence, then they make noise about it. And because of that we are always calling out his name. His is the name I call out the most on any given day. No wonder when I want to call the others, I always start with his😁.
My littlest has begun to string multiple sentences together. And oh how he finds it so funny when my mind goes to sleep on names. I also wonder how that happens, because my eyes are wide open and I can clearly see which child is in front of me. That one can be mistaken for the other is funny because they are as different as night and day.
The little things
Forgetting little things is normal and more so as we age, it’s part of life. It happens when you are distracted or not paying attention, stressed, lacking enough sleep or other side effects of medication, dehydration or thyroid problems. If these underlying causes are taken care of then the situation can be remedied. I like how News in Health (NIH) puts it in a post: “Forgetting where you left the car keys is one thing; forgetting what they do is quite another.” When forgetting escalates one needs medical attention quickly.
I have often looked long and hard at an object forgetting its name yet I want someone to pass it to me. Sometimes that ends in frustration, but sometimes we just laugh about it. In searching I have found the answer to optimizing mental health, and most questions, in 8 things: proper nutrition, exercise, hydration, quality sleep, temperance, fresh air, rest and trust in God. Reading, doing puzzles or engaging the mind also are good for enhancing mental health- making sure the mind does not go to sleep at crucial moments!