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Children are full of surprises!

You know how we usually put children in certain categories? How we often just think, "Naah they can't do this or that?" "They are too young to know what that means?" Well, I am sure I am not the only one who has learnt from experience that children are so full of surprises. They can say or do the unexpected!
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Childhood memories last a lifetime

There are times when I am really surprised at the memories that come to my head. Some so vivid like they just happened yesterday but it has been decades. It is from this experience that I have seen that childhood memories last a lifetime.
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Wait until the brain is ready!

Comparison is the thief of joy. This is one of my favorite sayings; and a quick search attributed that to President Theodore Roosevelt. As parents this should ever be foremost…
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Benefits of age integration in homeschooling

Homeschooling is one continuous learning experience. Education is part of everyday living. I am sure the picture most people get is of a closed system with just family members. In this post I will share the benefits of age integration in homeschooling.
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Children have different learning styles

Learning should be adapted to a child's style for them to get the most out of it. The words 'in learning you teach, and in teaching you learn' changed my outlook on most things. The more I adapted teaching to my children's learning styles, the less stressful it became for me too.